Daily Tasks/Shared Living

Welcome to Daily Tasks/Shared Living by Sapphire Disability – Empowering Independent Living

At Sapphire Disability, we specialize in providing services to individuals with intense, irregular, or unpredictable needs for activities of daily living support that go beyond the scope of home support or chronic care services. Our Shared Living option offers a unique approach, where individuals reside in a shared setting such as a group home or congregate living arrangement, receiving on-site attendant care 24 hours a day.

Why Choose Sapphire Disability for Daily Tasks/Shared Living?

  1. Comprehensive Attendant Services: In our Shared Living program, individuals benefit from on-site attendant care that is available around the clock. We focus on providing personal support services for essential activities of daily living, including bathing, toileting, and range of motion exercises. Additionally, instrumental activities of daily living, such as life-skills and light housekeeping support, are integral components of our attentive care.
  2. High-Quality Care in a Shared Environment: Our primary goal is to offer high-quality care and support in a shared living environment. We understand that individuals under the NDIS plans require tailored assistance to participate in daily activities. With a focus on quality, we ensure that participants can perform their tasks independently and in the right manner.
  3. Customized Support Plans: NDIS plans are designed to provide necessary support, and we take pride in assisting you in developing a personalized plan that caters to your unique needs. Whether you require support for regular personal activities or assistance with daily tasks, we guarantee a comprehensive plan that promotes independent living.

Daily Tasks Assistance includes:

  1. Meal Preparation: Our team assists with meal preparation, ensuring that your dietary needs are met and that you enjoy nutritious and well-balanced meals.
  2. Everyday Housework: From light housekeeping to more extensive household chores, we are here to ensure that your living environment remains comfortable and well-maintained.
  3. Running Errands: Need help with errands? We’ve got you covered. Our support extends to running errands, making daily tasks more manageable for you.
  4. Personal Care and Medication: We provide attentive support for personal care needs, including assistance with medication management, ensuring your health and well-being.
  5. Toileting: Our team is sensitive to your individual needs, providing support with toileting to ensure your comfort and dignity.

Empowering Independent Living: At Sapphire Disability, we cater to each participant’s unique set of abilities, empowering them to derive maximum value from our assistance. Our commitment is to help you live independently, providing the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance your overall well-being.

Contact Sapphire Disability today to explore how our Daily Tasks/Shared Living services can support your journey towards independent living. We are here to empower you, every step of the way.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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