Assistance with Personal Activities (High-Intensity)

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  • Assistance with Personal Activities (High-Intensity)

Welcome to Assistance with Personal Activities (High-Intensity) by Sapphire Disability – Empowering Independence, Enhancing Lives

Personal care support is about more than just assistance; it’s about ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling and active life. At Sapphire Disability, we specialize in providing assistance with high-intensity daily personal activities for individuals living with disabilities. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to cater to those who require support in complex and high-intensity care, empowering them to achieve greater independence and an improved quality of life.

Why Choose Sapphire Disability for High-Intensity Personal Care?

  1. Comprehensive Assistance with Daily Activities: Our high-intensity personal care services cover a wide spectrum of daily activities, including getting up, adjusting positions, washing/bathing, getting dressed, assistance with eating or medication, using the toilet, and more. We are committed to ensuring that you receive the support you need in every aspect of your daily life.
  2. Specialized High-Intensity Care: Sapphire Disability goes beyond standard personal care to provide specialized high-intensity care for individuals with unique needs. Our services encompass complex bowel care, tracheostomy care, enteral feeding, ventilation, urinary catheters, subcutaneous injection, high-risk seizure support, stoma care, pressure care, and wound management.
  3. Flexible and Tailor-Made Services: We understand that each individual has unique needs, goals, and outcomes. Our personal care services are flexible and tailor-made to accommodate your specific requirements. Whether you need comprehensive assistance or targeted support, our team is here to cater to your preferences.
  4. Skill Development for Enhanced Independence: Beyond assisting with everyday activities, we are dedicated to helping you develop your skills. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a life that is as full and active as possible. Our team works diligently to empower individuals with physical disabilities, fostering greater independence and an improved quality of life.
  5. Individualized Support Plans: Sapphire Disability’s high-intensity personal care services are personalized to suit individual needs. We offer as much or as little help as required, ensuring that our support aligns with your preferences, goals, and the level of assistance you need.
  6. Empowering Lives, Enhancing Independence: Our overarching goal is to empower lives and enhance independence. Through specialized care and support, we aim to create an environment where individuals with disabilities can thrive, lead active lives, and experience an improved overall quality of life.

At Sapphire Disability, we are dedicated to providing high-intensity personal care that goes beyond the ordinary. Contact us today to discover how our tailor-made services can support your unique needs, fostering independence and empowering you to live life to the fullest.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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