Assistance with Life Stage, Transition

Welcome to Assistance with Life Stage Transition by Sapphire Disability – Supporting Every Stage of Your Journey

At Sapphire Disability, we believe that every individual, regardless of the complexity of their disabilities, deserves unwavering support throughout every stage of life. Our dedicated team at Advocating Care Services is here for children and adults alike, providing comprehensive assistance during crucial life stage transitions. No matter the challenges you face, you can reach out to us at any time of the day to discover how we can support you on your unique journey.

Supporting Every Stage of Life:

1. Childhood and School: Every child deserves the best possible start in life, and we are here to make that possible. Advocating Care Services offers essential support services for young people and children with special educational needs and disabilities. Additionally, we provide opportunities for sports, physical activities, and leisure pursuits tailored for young individuals living with disabilities.

2. Moving from Children to Adult Services – Transition Support: Transition is a critical phase that covers the period between ages 14 and 25, encompassing the move from childhood to adulthood. As individuals with complex disabilities grow older, their needs evolve, requiring continued support from health, social care, and education services. Advocating Care Services assists in the transition, helping you move to adult healthcare and social care services, transition from school to college, explore job opportunities or training, manage housing and benefits, and prepare for adult life in various aspects, including managing finances, transportation, social life, friendships, and relationships.

3. Seamless Life Stage Transitions: Advocating Care Services understands the importance of smooth life stage transitions without disrupting the comfort of the participant. We work closely with individuals to facilitate a friction-free move, encouraging them to settle into new settings with confidence. Our disability care services are designed to support NDIS participants through crucial life stage transitions, offering the best assistance possible, no matter the phase you are going through.

4. Wide Range of Transition Supports: Our team offers a comprehensive range of supports to make life stage transitions as seamless as possible. From healthcare and social care transitions to educational and vocational shifts, we aim to provide personalized assistance that meets your evolving needs.

At Sapphire Disability, we are committed to supporting you at every turn, ensuring that you navigate life’s transitions with confidence and empowerment. Contact us today to discover how our assistance with life stage transitions can make a positive impact on your journey. No matter the stage, we’re here for you, providing the support you need to thrive.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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